The Color Project
I was assigned to swap the colors of two items for Design class, so why did I choose a carpenter's pencil from Menard's and a banana?
Well, I sat in class thinking of all the different colors and color combinations we just discussed. I put my hands in my jacket pocket and found the pencil. It was in there from when I used it to sketch onto a wall when I painted a mural in my home town. That meant that I hadn't worn that jacket since last Spring. I thought to myself, that was such a long time ago. Now I'm in college where no one wants me to paint murals of the mascot on bathroom walls. We don't even have a mascot... What and interesting shade of green.
Later that day, I was hungry. I asked my friend Rachel where I could find a Banana. She said the boys next door have a ton of bananas in their kitchen. I thought to myself, I bet I could grab one without them even knowing.
Sure enough, I went into their open back porch door that opened right into the kitchen. At the back of the room was a shelf full of bananas. There had to be six bunches or more. The only problem was that they were all brown and spotty. I took the least ripe one I could find, but it still had a large brown bruise on it. I took the banana, left the way I came, and walked back to my house. No one saw me take it.
I felt like a professional thief, except I'm stealing from people I know really well who don't need 40-ish rotting bananas in their pantry. I debated on whether I really wanted to eat it. I looked at its bruise and black stem. It was a pretty cool pattern. I put my hand in my pocket and felt the pencil.
BOOM! Inspiration.
The next day in class I began sheepishly painting my banana and pencil. It felt so weird. It felt even more weird when I finally finished swapping the colors late last night, and I went in my PJs with my finished items to the kitchen to take pictures of my work.